Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Kids are Growing Fast

I can't believe how fast the kids are growing.  My mom is always saying she doesn't know where the time went.  I know what she means now.  We had Madison's first parent/teacher conference last week. Her teacher said she is doing great and is ready to go on to 4K!  We will be signing her up next week for the fall.  She will go to school 3 days a week.  Hunter is also reaching new milestones every day!  Last month he began rolling over, and eating cereal from a spoon.  (The milk wasn't cutting it!)  Just last night he had his first taste of peas. He seemed to like them.  I am making my own baby food this time.  We'll see how long that lasts!

Hope everyone is off to a great New Year and keeping up with their resolutions!